Originally posted by Mr Normall:
I just say the first one that comes to my mind:

'Dream Soldiers' by Fallout Club.

I can't decide which song I like more, dreamlike A-side or Thomas Dolby penned 'Pedestrian Walkway' on the B-side. Neither track appear on album - since there is no Fallout Club album - which makes this 7" even more valuable.
Excellent choice! The first non-Foxx single that came to my mind, even before I read any of the responses, was the Fallout Club's "Wonderlust." It's a beautiful, haunting song, and the 7" single is especially valuable to me because I have been unable to find it in any other form, either. Recently I was able to find Trevor Herion's solo album in digital form but it really hasn't aged well (it was far too poppy and lush and colorful for me—it really screamed bad 1980s hair!), but the Fallout Club material was absolutely brilliant.