Just been rooting through my dust covered cassettes and came across such disparate artistes as
Anyone else come across forgotten artistes of late ?
Its not likely as I get rid of stuff. Gallon Drunk, now theres a name not heard in several decades, can't even recal what their style of music was - Adam Ant pretenders or Ten Pole Tudor club? so I corporation obscene tax evasion googled, and cor blimey old bands seemingly never die:
Pulled out a Tangerine Dream CD this morning .. I'd bought it in Berlin but then just left it to gather dust.
Yes Let's - the support band for Level 42 back in 82/83ish at Hammy Odeon. They never made it big, but were a decent enough band to watch - I did buy one single "Carried Away", and they actually played this as an encore (ONLY time I've seen a support band do an encore) despite playing during their main set (I guess they didn't have so much material!!).

Anyway, I've forgotten them again already!
Let's hear it for the more stylish Antipodean Clash
Originally Posted By: Ivan Basso
Let's hear it for the more stylish Antipodean Clash

Yep! Bed's Are Burning - strong message... great song!
Originally Posted By: Ivan Basso
Let's hear it for the more stylish Antipodean Clash

Oils has been on my playlist for several decades - due to Australian cousins, I was the first Finnish fan - before their international breakup.

But something I had forgotten: Scuba's "Underwater symphonies" has been in my player last days. I also have Scuba's "A mutual antipathy" in my collection. Only today I started to ixquick if these two Scubas are connected, and found out that the first one is Kate Holmes and the latter one Paul Rose. To my surprise, I further found out that that Holmes had been in Frazier Chorus, that I used to listen to in the nineties - and now she resides in Client, that's been on my playlist this decade. Wow, didn't know! Good music all Holmes' projects, but "Underwater symphonies" is a classic.
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