cool To all dreamers out there in cloud cuckoo land,
A few years ago I put together a short piece of sound-art for entry into the Big Art Challenge 2004 competition, run by UK's Channel 5 TV, for a new series. Then in 2005 I also sent it to Sonic Arts Network for possible inclusion on a compilation CD, but the project didn't go ahead as planned. So, I've put it on my Soundclick page to give it a reason for being.

It's called Foetus Dreaming and at the time of its conception I was wondering if babies actually dream while still in the womb. If so, then sounds getting through from the world outside may influence those dreams.

Here's a direct link to the music page:

No instruments are used (real or virtual) and all the found-sounds are recorded by mic onto a 4-track. I've purposely mixed and mastered it so that each sound isn't too obvious, and also to lend it a cavernous quality. Has to be heard on headphones really, not only to get into the feeling but also to be able to pick out the very subtle montage of sounds. It's only 2 mins 38 secs long, so you might want to have a bit of fun trying to identify each sound used to build the whole montage.

Hope you find it stimulating or interesting in some way, but I realise that this track will be seen by most as a rather odd creature, so I've balanced it out by putting up another older track (The Eternal Light of Will), that's much more musical and should be acceptable to most human ears!

Would anyone like to comment on how they feel about this piece and let me know if it does anything for them on some level?

Garden smile
© Metamatic