Rusty Egan just posted this update on EV:-"Robin Simon was invited to join Chris Payne and Rusty Egan in the writing of songs for the new Visage Album with Producer Brian Tench as Midge, Billy and Dave Formula were all busy . Steve Strange signed and agreement to sing on the album and repay the money he had take from John McGeoch, Dave Formula and Rusty Egan . Midge offerd a song become to Rusty to help him get back the loss as he was discusted that Steve Strange had done this......Rusty introduced a record company and began writing... the record company said they did not need Brian Tench or the songs as they had people who would make the music and that if we just let them make an album it would be good timing after the Ultravox Album . Rusty , Chris and Brian said off you go.... make your own record and call it Steve Strange as its obviously NOT VISAGE in any way........end of.... Robin Simon looks like he is wondering if he should have stayed.... Rusty has bow been joined by Rrussell Bell from Dramtis and is continuing to finish the songs . one is up on soundcloud as a teaser work in progress... .. In the meantime SS thinks he is VISAGE and without songs or musicians of the caliber of Midge, Billy, Chris Payne, and song writers we are dreading his offering ......"